§ 13-1-91. Transportation Land Uses.  

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  • (a)

    Off-Site Parking Lot.


    Description. Off-site parking lots are any areas used for the temporary parking of vehicles which are fully registered, licensed and operative. See also Section 13-1-283 for additional parking regulations.


    Permitted Use Regulations: (UC, CC, UI, HI).


    Access to an off-site parking lot shall only be permitted to a collector or arterial street.


    Access and vehicular circulation shall be designed so as to discourage cut-through traffic.


    Conditional Use Regulations. Not applicable.


    Parking Regulations. No requirement.




    Description. Airports and heliports are transportation facilities providing takeoff, landing, servicing, storage and other services to any type of air transportation. The operation of any type of air vehicle (including ultralight aircraft, hang gliders, parasails, and related equipment, but excepting model aircraft) within the jurisdiction of this Chapter shall occur only in conjunction with an approved airport or heliport.


    Permitted by Right. Not applicable.


    Conditional Use Regulations (SO, SI, UI, HI).


    All buildings, structures, outdoor airplane or helicopter storage areas, and any other activity areas shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from all lot lines.


    Facility shall provide a bufferyard with a minimum opacity of 1.00 along all borders of the property not otherwise completely screened from activity areas by buildings or structures (see Section 13-1-249).


    Shall comply with Section 13-1-363, standards and procedures applicable to all conditional uses.


    Parking Regulations. One space per each employee on the largest work shift, plus one space per every 5 passengers based on average daily ridership.


    Freight Terminal.


    Description. Freight terminals are defined as land and buildings representing either end of one or more truck carrier line(s) which may have some or all of the following facilities: yards, docks, management offices, storage sheds, buildings and/or outdoor storage areas, freight stations, and truck maintenance and repair facilities, principally serving several or many businesses and always requiring trans-shipment.


    Permitted by Right. Not applicable.


    Conditional Use Regulations (HI).


    Facility shall provide a bufferyard with a minimum opacity of 1.00 along all property borders abutting residentially zoned property (see Section 13-1-249).


    All buildings, structures, outdoor storage areas, and any other activity areas shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from all lot lines abutting residentially zoned property.


    In no instance shall activity areas be located within a required frontage landscaping or bufferyard areas.


    Shall comply with Section 13-1-363, standards and procedures applicable to all conditional uses.


    Parking Regulations. One space per each employee on the largest work shift.


    Distribution Center.


    Description. Distribution centers are facilities oriented to the short-term indoor storage and possible repackaging and reshipment of materials involving the activities and products of a single user. Retail outlets associated with this use shall be considered accessory uses per Section 13-1-93, below.


    Permitted by Right (UI, HI).


    Conditional Use Regulations (SI).


    Facility shall provide a bufferyard with a minimum opacity of 1.00 along all property borders abutting residentially zoned property (see Section 13-1-249).


    All buildings, structures, outdoor storage areas, and any other activity areas shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from all lot lines abutting residentially zoned property.


    In no instance shall activity areas be located within a required frontage landscaping or bufferyard areas.


    Shall comply with Section 13-1-363, standards and procedures applicable to all conditional uses.


    Parking Regulations. One space per each employee on the largest work shift.