§ 13-1-43. Interpretation of Zoning District Boundaries.  

Latest version.
  • The following rules shall be used to determine the precise location of any zoning district boundary shown on the Official Zoning Map of the City of Verona:


    Zoning district boundaries shown as following or approximately following the limits of any City, Village, Town or County boundary shall be construed as following such limits.


    Zoning district boundaries shown as following or approximately following streets or railroad lines shall be construed as following the centerline of such streets or railroad lines.


    Zoning district boundary lines shown as following or approximately following platted lot lines or other property lines as shown on the City of Verona or County of Dane Tax Maps shall be construed as following such lines.


    Zoning district boundaries shown as following or approximately following the centerlines of streams, rivers, or other continuously flowing watercourses shall be construed as following the channel centerlines of such watercourses, and, in the event of a natural change in the location of such streams, rivers, or other watercourses, the zoning district boundary shall be construed as moving with the channel centerline.


    Zoning district boundaries shown as following or approximately following ridgelines or watershed boundaries shall be construed as following such lines.


    Zoning district boundaries shown as separated from, any of the features listed in Subsections (a) through (e) above, shall be construed to be at such distances therefrom as are shown on the Official Zoning Map.


    Where any uncertainty exists as to the exact location of a zoning district boundary line, as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the location of the line shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator.